The GT Purpose

Our Mission

To redefine healthcare for athletes.

You know how our healthcare system in America is broken?

Well, it’s especially screwed up if you’re an athlete who’s trying to get maximize your genetic potential for performance.

Our healthcare systems are designed to keep you breathing and ensure you can safely walk to and from the bathroom.

Athletes need more. You need better.


Our Services

We help athletes get faster, stronger, more explosive, and healthier to dominate on game day.

Sports Performance Training: Our sports performance training is designed to help athletes get faster, stronger, more explosive, and healthier to dominate on game day. Learn more here!

Sports Physical Therapy: Our sports physical therapy is designed to help athletes overcome their injuries and become more athletic than they’ve ever been before. Learn more here!

EverAthlete (Adult Training): Our EverAthlete (Adult Training) program serves to help people become strong, athletic, and healthy again so they can keep up with their kids and grandkids and dominate rec leagues for years to come. (Plus we make you look pretty dang good in the process too.) Learn more here!

Our Name

While our services are designed to enhance movement and performance, our purpose is Greater Than that.

GT = Greater Than

Far too many people find their identity in what they do. Our mission is to help people understand that their purpose and identity are rooted much deeper than any of their accomplishments. We provide people with the power to write their own life story.

Movement is the most powerful tool we as human beings have at our disposal for a variety of different outcomes. Movement reduces morbidity, obesity, cardiovascular disease risk, and musculoskeletal pain while improving mental health, physical function, and longevity. We aim to transform the reactionary American healthcare system by prioritizing movement and preventative action.