Athletic Potential Range

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A deep dive on athletic potential range Your athletic potential is genetically predetermined… but your athleticism isn’t. We each have a genetic range on how good we can be at any given skill. Certain people are gifted biological advantages for … Continued

Athletic scholarships in each sport (and if they’re even worth your time)

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A deep dive on athletic scholarships Investing in recruiting is more like investing in venture than it is the S&P 500. Most people are going to spend a lot of money and get little to nothing on the backend. However, … Continued

You pulled a muscle, here’s what to do next.

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A deep dive on what to do immediately after you pull a muscle You were probably running really fast. Maybe even faster than you’ve ever ran before. Then… “Pop!” Your muscle hurts. You feel weak. You pulled a muscle. Here’s … Continued

🥇 Highlight tape tips to actually get noticed

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​A deep dive on 4 highlight tape tips “If you’re good enough, they’ll find you.” That’s a load of garbage. I’ve seen a ton of insane athletes end up getting little to no recruiting attention. I’ve also seen plenty of … Continued