Floppy Feet Syndrome
A deep dive on floppy feet Picture this: You’re an elite race car driver on par with the likes of Dale Earnhardt, Jeff Gordon, and Ricky Bobby. You spend an ungodly amount of time and money souping up the engine. … Continued
A deep dive on floppy feet Picture this: You’re an elite race car driver on par with the likes of Dale Earnhardt, Jeff Gordon, and Ricky Bobby. You spend an ungodly amount of time and money souping up the engine. … Continued
A deep dive on athletic potential range Your athletic potential is genetically predetermined… but your athleticism isn’t. We each have a genetic range on how good we can be at any given skill. Certain people are gifted biological advantages for … Continued
A deep dive on developing athleticism from 9-12 years old Your daughter loves soccer. She just turned 11 and she’s showing that she really wants to see how good she can be at her sport. There’s just one problem: she’s … Continued
A deep dive on 18 things sports should teach your kids before they turn 18. My daughter starts her first organized sport practice this week. If she spends the next 16 years only concerned with how many goals she scores, … Continued
A deep dive on athletic scholarships Investing in recruiting is more like investing in venture than it is the S&P 500. Most people are going to spend a lot of money and get little to nothing on the backend. However, … Continued
A deep dive on how to train the core like an athlete Patrick Mahomes went viral for having a dad bod. Yet, every parent comes to us saying, “my kid needs to have a stronger core.” If the best football … Continued
A deep dive on which camps are worth your time, energy, and money. I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know it was this bad. These are events that only last a few hours and cost several hundred dollars, … Continued
A deep dive on what to do immediately after you pull a muscle You were probably running really fast. Maybe even faster than you’ve ever ran before. Then… “Pop!” Your muscle hurts. You feel weak. You pulled a muscle. Here’s … Continued
A deep dive on kids lifting weights. My 2-year-old daughter lifts weights. That’s not a typo. I know, I know. It sounds crazy. You’re probably thinking; “You must be one of those crazy dads who’s living vicariously through his child … Continued
A deep dive on eating like an athlete There is no one “right” diet. But, if you’re trying to reach your athletic ceiling, there sure are wrong ones. I get asked all the time “what should my athlete’s diet look … Continued